Saturday the 27th of July 2024
Australian Times

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Research Explores Underemployment in the US

Research by PayScale and Millenial Branding found that today’s younger workers are working jobs for which they are overqualified and..

August 30, 2012 with 0 Comments
Job Agencies Face Inquiry, Audit

Job Agencies Face Inquiry, Audit

The government has launched an audit to some Job Services Australia providers to check financial conduct. Only 42 percent of the fees filed..

April 21, 2012 with 0 Comments
Is Filing A Sexual Harassment Case Worth It?

Is Filing A Sexual Harassment Case Worth It?

Sexual harassment is a serious issue and advocates continuously encourage women to file a complaint if this happens. But is filing a sexual..

April 16, 2012 with 0 Comments
Australia Leads World In Recognizing Skilled Migration

Australia Leads World In Recognizing Skilled Migration

An authority in skilled labour migration has declared that Australia leads the world when it comes to acceptance and acknowledgement of..

April 11, 2012
Unions Back Flexible Work Hours

Unions Back Flexible Work Hours

Good news for parents who want more time with their families. Greens MP Adam Bandt issued a proposed law that would give parents the right..

April 8, 2012
Welfare Staff Feel Abused

Welfare Staff Feel Abused

A survey by the Community and Public Sector Union revealed that welfare staff feels abused. The concern arises from increasing number of..

April 8, 2012
ACTU Suspends HSU

ACTU Suspends HSU

The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) issued a suspension notice to the Health Services Union (HSU). The decision came after ACTU..

April 5, 2012
Apple Discovers Illegal Activities of Supplier

Apple Discovers Illegal Activities of Supplier

Tech giant Apple has always been diligent in ensuring that its suppliers maintain the highest standards.  Foxconn, Apple’s preferred..

April 1, 2012
Lynndie England Looking for Work

Lynndie England Looking for Work

Eight years after becoming a household name in the Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal, it’s most famous pariah remains both unrepentant and..

March 20, 2012
  • A Girl Got Electrocuted While Swimming
  • Sydney bus driver smashed wall
  • Treasurer Joe Hockey concedes $7 Medicare co-payment is a tax on Q and A program
  • Father Of Three Killed By A Gang In A Brutal Ambush