Saturday the 27th of July 2024
Australian Times

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Australia to Help out Neighbours

Australia to Help out Neighbours

The Gillard Government recently announced it will invest $435.6 million over four years to strengthen developing countries’..

June 18, 2012 with 0 Comments
Westpac Chief: Cooperate With Gillard

Westpac Chief: Cooperate With Gillard

Gail Kelly, the chief executive of Westpac, has advised business leaders to cooperate with Prime Minister Julia Gillard. She added that..

May 8, 2012 with 0 Comments
Government to Help Parents with Kids in School

Government to Help Parents with Kids in School

The Gillard government has announced that it will pay parents up to $820 for every kid in school. The move is the government’s way of..

May 6, 2012 with 0 Comments
Coalition Wins 72 Seats

Coalition Wins 72 Seats

Tony Abbott is clearly celebrating as Opposition’s parliamentary numbers won 72 seats. The victory also marks Nationals MP Tony Crook..

May 6, 2012 with 0 Comments
Public Poll Reveals Weakening Confidence on Gillard Government

Public Poll Reveals Weakening Confidence on Gillard Government

A Galaxy poll conducted over the weekend clearly shows that voters are in favor of having Federal elections earlier rather than later. Six..

April 30, 2012 with 0 Comments
Gillard Distances from Slipper and Thompson Scandal

Gillard Distances from Slipper and Thompson Scandal

After weeks of avoiding the issue, Prime Minister Julia Gillard has finally acted and asked Peter Slipper and Craig Thomson to move out of..

April 29, 2012 with 0 Comments
Peter Slipper Stands Down

Peter Slipper Stands Down

Peter Slipper has stood down as Speaker of the House of Representatives after being hounded by allegations of sexual harassment and..

April 22, 2012 with 0 Comments
Peter Slipper Defends Self Against Sex Scandal

Peter Slipper Defends Self Against Sex Scandal

Controversies continue to hound Speaker Peter Slipper as more allegations come. The beleaguered politician is now facing accusations of..

April 21, 2012 with 0 Comments
PM Vows To Pull Out Troops By 2013

PM Vows To Pull Out Troops By 2013

Prime Minister Julia Gillard vows to pull out Australian troops from war-torn Afghanistan by 2013. The announcement came in Gillard’s..

April 17, 2012 with 0 Comments
Carbon Tax Debates Heat Up, Milne Fires At Abbott

Carbon Tax Debates Heat Up, Milne Fires At Abbott

Christine Milne warned Opposition leader Tony Abbott that the Greens would block any attempts of the Coalition to scrap the carbon tax...

April 15, 2012 with 0 Comments
  • A Girl Got Electrocuted While Swimming
  • Sydney bus driver smashed wall
  • Treasurer Joe Hockey concedes $7 Medicare co-payment is a tax on Q and A program
  • Father Of Three Killed By A Gang In A Brutal Ambush