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Australian Times


Should This Housing Project Give Way To A New Airport?

April 13, 2012 by rochelle in Politics with 0 Comments

Tensions are rising between the state and federal governments in the Wilton area as some 25,000 housing blocks or about 2000 hectares of land meant for housing projects may end up not pushing through. 

Plans for the building of the second airport in Sydney are underway. As a result, some 60,000 to 70,000 families may not be able to have their dream homes in the favored location. 

The Transport Department has looked into Wilton as the location and discussions with the Sydney Airport Corporation will be initiated soon. With the said site being considered for housing development, the impact of having an airport in this very same area will definitely have a huge effect on its potential residents. 

About five sites in and around the Wilton area are being considered for housing.  

Premier Barry O’ Farrell is said to be opposing the project, saying that a second airport facility in Canberra with high-speed rail link to Sydney should be better. 

Meanwhile, NSW Planning Minister Brad Hazzard suggested a rezoning of the Wilton sites so that the housing industry remains unaffected and development can begin by June. 

Housing projects in a neighboring area in Badgerys Creek have been abandoned because of politicking. The worry is that this rezoning on Wilton may arrive at the same results.  

The proposed rezoning may also raise problems with providing new infrastructure, considering the expansion will come at a rapid pace. 

Developers in major sites in the Wilton airport area include the Walker Corp, Lend Lease and Mir Group.

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