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Australian Times


Denmark to Allow Same Sex Marriage

June 12, 2012 by Triinu Maran in Lifestyle with 0 Comments

Danish parliament passed a law to allow same sex marriage and their church weddings.

The amendment presented by left-central government on Friday received 85 votes in favor, 24 votes against and 2 neutrals.

Denmark was the first country in the world to allow gay couples to enter into civil marriage in 1989. They were then given the right to receive church blessings, but Friday’s verdict will give them the right for a complete wedding ceremony in church.

Law declares though, that pastors don’t have the obligation to marry gay people if it’s against their beliefs.

Finland is now left as the only Northern European country where same sex marriage is not allowed. Norway took on the amendment in 2008, Sweden in 2009 and Iceland in 2010.

According to a recent Galaxy poll commissioned by The Sunday Telegraph, 50 per cent of voters surveyed now support laws allowing same-sex couples to marry in Australia.

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