Saturday the 27th of July 2024
Australian Times


Couple Got Struck And Killed By A Freight Train

Couple Got Struck And Killed By A Freight Train

Earl and Mary Myatt had been married for 42 years. Moments before the couple bid goodbye by getting struck and killed by a train, Earl..

April 30, 2014 with 0 Comments
‘Guilty’ – RadiumOne CEO Facing Charges For Domestic Violence

‘Guilty’ – RadiumOne CEO Facing Charges For Domestic Violence

Gurbaksh Chahal, an Indian-born Silicon Valley whizzkid CEO found guilty after he brutally attacked his girlfriend. Mr. Chahal has been..

April 28, 2014 with 0 Comments
Man Killed His Wife For The $1 Million Life Insurance Policy

Man Killed His Wife For The $1 Million Life Insurance Policy

Michel Escoto, 42, tried to drug and drown his 21 year old wife, Wendy Trapaga in a hot tub in Miami in 2002. 12 years after his wife of..

April 23, 2014 with 0 Comments
Horrible Easter – 2 Girls Murdered By Their Own Father

Horrible Easter – 2 Girls Murdered By Their Own Father

A father allegedly murdered his two daughters, Savannah (4) and Indiana (3). The kids had been at their great-grandmother’s home in..

April 22, 2014 with 0 Comments
Mum At 12, The Youngest Mother In UK.

Mum At 12, The Youngest Mother In UK.

Last weekend, a girl at the age of 12 and 3 months, gave birth to a 7lb baby girl. She has now become UK’s youngest mother. She got..

April 18, 2014 with 0 Comments
See the RED Moon tonight!

See the RED Moon tonight!

Eastern States skywatchers will be able to catch a glimpse of the first total lunar eclipse in two years tonight. According to the Sydney..

April 15, 2014 with 0 Comments
Poachers Target Vultures for Giving them Away

Poachers Target Vultures for Giving them Away

Once considered the mark of death, vultures of late have become under increasing pressure from poachers in Africa and Europe who are..

October 22, 2012 with 0 Comments
What is the United Services Military Apprenticeship?

What is the United Services Military Apprenticeship?

The United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP) provides military personnel to upgrade their job skills and eventually earn a..

October 2, 2012 with 0 Comments
Greek Leaders Agree on Most Budget Cuts

Greek Leaders Agree on Most Budget Cuts

Greek political leaders are currently discussing pension and wage cuts to find the final 1.5 billion euros needed to satisfy the demands by..

August 1, 2012 with 0 Comments
Germany and Italy to Protect Euro at All Cost

Germany and Italy to Protect Euro at All Cost

German chancellor Angela Merkel and Italian prime minister Mario Monti held a conference call on Saturday in which they agreed to do..

August 1, 2012 with 0 Comments
  • A Girl Got Electrocuted While Swimming
  • Sydney bus driver smashed wall
  • Treasurer Joe Hockey concedes $7 Medicare co-payment is a tax on Q and A program
  • Father Of Three Killed By A Gang In A Brutal Ambush